On Wednesday 10th June
7pm at 7a Vyner Street,
London E2
Bonnie Fortune is a Copenhagen based artist and writer whose work focuses on ecological themes. She recently compiled and edited ‘An Edge Effect: Art and Ecology in the Nordic Landscaped, published by Half Letter Press, 2014. The book is a collection of interviews, essays and case studies about cultural work dealing with the environment. Other recent projects include ‘The Alphabet of the Anthropocene‘ with Brett Bloom, a large-scale public display system of key words defining life in our current anthropogenic era. She has collaborated since 2006 with Bloom as Let’s Remake on artistic research projects around ecology and habitat, including commissions for the city of Urbana, IL and public works in Copenhagen, Denmark. They co-run www.mythologicalquarter.net where they write regularly on art, ecology, and public space use.
For more information contact kathrin(at)myvillages.org