A Haystack on Icebergs with Katherine Gibson

Meet for a coffee and cake afternoon with Katherine Gibson to talk about re-drawing the economy and representations of the economy as a public realm we are all part of.

Sunday 6 Nov from 4-6pm
7a Vyner Street
London E2 9DG

Katherine has recently set up a new research initiative Re-drawing the economy: creating place-based images that can travel. The research is closely linked to the work of The Community Economies Research Network (CERN), which is comprised of 130 scholars and activists working in communities all over the world to imagine and enact non-capitalist economies.


The economy represented as a Layer Cake with Icing, by the feminist economist Hazel Henderson, 1982


Over the last 20 years CERN members have used visualisations of a diverse economy to expand the scope for economic action and legitimate economic politics across a broad front. The image of the diverse economy, originally represented as an iceberg, has travelled far and wide helping people and organizations to represent and transform economic relationships in a variety of settings from the rust belt of Australia and the USA, to the Solomon Islands in the Pacific, to inner city London and Paris, to rural communities in the Philippines. Their ability to translate the ethical concerns of community economies into images that can travel and increase user experience is at the centre of this project.


Katherine Gibson is in London for a few days and we were going to meet to talk about the collaborative research on “Re-drawing the economy” which started in 2013 with a redesign of the “Economy as an Iceberg” by James Langdon for “Trade Show” at Eastside Projects (co-curated with Gavin Wade).


Haystacks are moments to make conversations public.
Coffee and cake afternoons are regularly held by the women in Kathrin’s home village Höfen as a good format to talk and catch up.


Please join us on for a
Haystack on Icebergs with
Coffee and Cake.

Sunday 6th November
from 4-6pm
7a Vyner Street
London E2 9DG

With coffee from Feral Trade (run by Kate Rich)
and  bring some cake to share if you want.



About Katherine Gibson
Katherine Gibson is internationally known for her research on rethinking economies as sites of ethical action. She trained as a human geographer with expertise in political economy and, with her collaborator for over 30 years, the late Professor Julie Graham, developed a distinctive approach to economic geography drawing on feminism, post-structuralism and action research. The diverse economies research program they initiated has become a vibrant sub-field of study within the social sciences. In the late 1990s the collective authorial voice of J.K. Gibson-Graham led the critique of capitalocentric thinking that was blocking the emergence of economic possibility. The end of capitalism (as we knew it): a feminist critique of political economy published in 1996, was republished in 2006.